Sara & Chris

Sara & Chris

I’m sorry, Sara & Chris. I drew your faces too small for your heads. I keep doing that. I have no idea what’s wrong with me. Please forgive me. No refunds.

Jason & Jessica

Jason & Jessica

I’m sorry, Jason & Jessica. I think the angle of your photo messed me up. Yeah, that’s it. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m awful at at this. No refunds.

Tiffany & Luke

Tiffany and Luke

I’m sorry, Tiffany and Luke. I’m not very good at drawing mouths. So you both look kinda weird here. I hope you’re not upset with me. I’m so sorry. No refunds.

John & Junghee

John & Junghee

I’m sorry, John and Junghee. You look like lovely people. But I’m just awful at caricatures. So this doesn’t look like either of you. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.

Alex & Kim

Alex & Kim

I’m sorry, Alex. Kim paid me to draw a caricature of you two, but it doesn’t really look like you because I have no idea what I’m doing. Please don’t be mad. I tried my best. No refunds.

Jessi & Kari

Jessi & Kari

I’m sorry, Jessi & Kari. I tried capturing your great smiles, but I don’t know how to draw mouths. So it ended up looking awful. No refunds.

Autumn & Trotter

I’m sorry, Autumn and Trotter. I’m not very good at drawing eyes. So this turned out really weird. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.

Lisa & Rob

I’m sorry, Lisa and Rob. This drawing makes you both look like total weirdos. Which I’m sure you’re not. Please forgive me. No refunds.

Baylee and Michael

I’m sorry, Michael, Baylee paid me to draw a caricature of you two for Valentines day, but I screwed it up and probably ruined your Valentine’s Day. Sorry. No refunds.

Eva and Eric

I’m sorry, Eva and Eric. I made your noses too big and your mouths all weird. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.