Amy and Chris


I’m sorry, Amy and Chris. This is almost frightening in how bad it is. Why did you pay me to do this? I’m clearly terrible. No refunds.

Josephine, Matt, and Milk

I’m sorry, Josephine, Matt, and Milk. I forgot to draw Josephine smiling. Matt looks weird. And I don’t know how to draw dogs. No refunds.

Scott and Lorene

I’m really sorry, Scott and Lorene. This is almost offensive. You must think I’m a real jerk for drawing you both so poorly. I have no excuses. I’m sorry. No refunds.

Emily and Dog

I’m sorry, Emily and Dog. I really like your matching outfits. Too bad my drawing of you turned out so crappy. You must think I’m an idiot. You’re right. No refunds.

Adriana and Justin

I’m sorry, Adriana and Justin. You both look like very nice people. So I’m even more disappointed in my terrible drawing. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.

Jarod and Rashell

I’m sorry, Jarod and Rashell. This doesn’t look like either of you. Especially Rashell. I don’t know what the hell happened there. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.

Cary and Sylvie

I’m sorry, Cary and Sylvie. This is not very flattering for either of you. I tried my best, but I guess my best is still pretty crappy. No refunds.

Darryl and Teela

I’m sorry, Darryl and Teela. This is awful. Darryl’s eyes are all weird and Teela’s nose is the wrong shape. How did I get this awful? Don’t answer that. No refunds.

Corey and Jessie

I’m sorry, Corey and Jessie. I think I went a little overboard on your smiles. Now this is all creepy and weird and I don’t know how to fix it. No refunds.

Chanel and Eric

I’m sorry, Chanel and Eric. This looks nothing like either of you. Chanel isn’t even showing her teeth in your photo. What’s wrong with me?