Mama and Payton

I’m sorry, Mama and Payton. I got confused by the snowpeople on your heads and drew you as snowpeople instead of humans. That’s my bad. Happy Holidays.

Rob and Jessica

I’m sorry, Rob and Jessica. You both look very sharp in your photo. Too bad I suck at caricatures so you look awful in my drawing. No refunds.

Ellen and Michael

I’m sorry, Ellen and Michael. You look like such nice people. That’s why I’m so upset I screwed up your caricature. Please forgive me. I have no idea what I’m doing.

Astrid & Troy

I’m sorry, Astrid & Troy. You probably wanted a nice caricature of you two to celebrate your engagement. Instead, you got this. I’m sorry if I ruined your engagement. No refunds

Francesco & Kristen

I’m sorry, Francesco & Karen. I forgot Francesco’s glasses and beard. And Kristen’s smile is too big. I really screwed this whole thing up. I hope you’re not mad at me. No refunds.

Sharon & Clement

I’m sorry, Sharon & Clement. I think I drew glasses on the wrong person. That happens more often than not with me. I hope you’re not upset. No refunds.

Heather & CJ

I’m sorry, Heather and CJ. This looks nothing like either of you. I swear I was looking at your photo the whole time. I’m just really awful at likenesses. No refunds.

The Murpheys

I’m sorry, The Murpheys. I drew your sunglasses too big. So there was no room for your faces. Also, I see you went to Paris. That’s cool. I’m not about to try and draw the Eiffel Tower though. No refunds.

Peyton & Pap

I’m sorry, Peyton & Pap. I really screwed this one up. Both of your smiles are awful and Peyton’s eyes are all weird. Please forgive me. No refunds.

Kayce & Scotty

I’m sorry, Kayce and Scotty. This looks nothing like either of you. Kayce’s face is much thinner. And Scotty doesn’t have facial hair. What was I thinking? No refunds.