Patricia and Teyonia

I’m sorry, Patricia and Teyonia. This looks nothing like either of you. I have no idea what I’m doing. Please don’t be mad at me. I tried my best. No refunds.

Heather & Jake

I’m sorry, Heather & Jake. This looks nothing like either of you. Heather looks really old and I don’t even know what happened to Jake’s chin. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.

Austin & Tiana

I’m sorry, Austin & Tiana. It was only after I finished did I realize that Tiana was not eating Austin – just smiling. I hope I didn’t ruin your anniversary. But if I did, I understand. No refunds.

Adam & Erink

I’m sorry, Adam & Erink. This looks nothing like either of you. I’m not really sure what happened. Besides me being really crappy at drawing caricatures, of course. No refunds.

Jordan & Lindsay

I’m sorry, Jordan & Lindsay. I really screwed this one up. Especially Lindsay’s hair. I don’t know what I was thinking. I hope you’re not mad. No refunds.

Neesh & Amanda

I’m sorry, Neesh & Amanda. I got confused by Neesh’s elephant costume and accidentally drew him as a elephant. That’s my bad. No refunds.

Robyn & Joshua

I’m sorry, Robyn & Joshua. This looks nothing like either of you. Robyn, you don’t wear glasses and Joshua, you’re not a dandy fop with a mustache and monocle. I have no idea what I’m doing.

Robb & Jenni

I’m sorry, Robb & Jenni. This doesn’t look like either of you. I don’t know what happened. I’ve been really tired lately. Hope you’re not mad. No refunds.

David & Denise

I’m sorry, David & Denise. This looks nothing like either of you. I hope I didn’t ruin your wedding. But if I did, I understand. No refunds.

John & Paul

I’m sorry, John & Paul. It was only after I finished that I realized neither of you have facial hair like I drew. But I can’t go back and fix it. My apologies. No refunds.