
I’m sorry, Ipshita. I drew your eyes too low and your mouth too weird. So this whole thing is a disaster. Please don’t be upset with me. No refunds.

Medha & Her Cat

I’m sorry, Medha. I’m not very good at drawing cats. Or people, for that matter. So you both look awful here. No refunds.

Molly & Family

I’m sorry, Molly and Family. This is a massive fail. Not one single likeness here is correct. I should stop doing this. No refunds.

Annie & Nora

I’m sorry, Annie and Nora. I messed up your noses. And smiles. And pretty much everything else. Please don’t be mad. No refunds.

Haylee & Marc

I’m sorry, Halyee and Marc. This drawing turned out real doofy. Which is not what you paid for. My apologies. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Jolin. I’m not very good at drawing mouths. So this turned out kinda crappy. Please forgive me. No refunds.

Anthony & Olivia

I’m sorry, Anthony and Olivia. You both look really old in my drawing. Not what I was trying to do. Please don’t hate me. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Louisa. You look downright evil in my drawing. Which was not my intent. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Natalie. I made your nose too big. Which pushed your mouth down and threw everything off. I’m awful at this. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Alyssa. Your eyes turned out really freaky here. I hope you and your parents aren’t upset. I know I would be. No refunds.