
I’m sorry, Brad. I made your forehead way too small. So this doesn’t really look like you. I’m the worst. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Emmett. I made your eyes and your chin too big. I’m not very good at drawing kids. Please forgive me. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Beau. I forgot to draw your glasses. And your eyes are two different sizes. This whole thing’s a mess. No refunds.

Trisha & Nick

I’m sorry, Trisha & Nick. This looks nothing like either of you. In my defense, your photo is very blurry. No refunds.

Joey & Kellie

I’m sorry, Joey & Kellie. Your smiles are all messed up here. I’m not very good at drawing mouths. I hope you’re not upset. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Megumi. I don’t know why you turned out looking much older than you are. I’m terrible at drawing kids. No refunds.

Linda and Dog

I’m sorry, Linda. The only thing I’m worst at drawing than likenesses is dogs. So this is a double-fail. Congratulations. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Laurie. I tried drawing your subtle smile, but I ended up making you look mad. That’s because I suck at this. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Anne-Sophie. I drew your puffy coat way too big and your head way too small. So this is pretty much a fail. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Kelly. I tried drawing the cool shadow across your face but it just ended up looking like an X. My bad. No refunds.