
I’m sorry, Elizabeth. This turned out awful. But in my defense, you’re making a weird face in your photo. Unless, of course, that’s your actual face. In which case, I’m doubly sorry. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Cicely. Not only am I awful at drawing likenesses, but I’m also terrible at drawing bridges. So you get a double-whammy. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Aliya. This is not a very flattering drawing of you. I hope you’re not mad at me. I swear I tried my best. No refunds.

Martine, Adum, and Ellie

I’m sorry, Martine, Adum, and Ellie. You look like such a lovely family. I hate to do you so wrong like this. But what can I say? I’m the worst. No refunds.

Michael & Rhianna

I’m sorry, Michael & Rhianna. You both look ghastly here. In my drawing, I mean. Not in real life. I’m so tired. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Michael. This looks absolutely nothing like you. You’re not this doofy. I hope you’re not offended. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Summer. I got your proportions all wrong here. Which is a big no-no when drawing caricatures. I never studied. No refunds.

William & Karsyn

I’m sorry, William & Karsyn. Your mustache is clearly fake. But when I draw it, it kinda looks real. Which is not good. Sorry. No refunds.

Nikolaj & Friends

Sorry Nikolaj & friends. Your noses are all screwed up here. I never learned how to draw them. I’m the worst. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Emma. I’m not very good at drawing mouths. Or much else, really. Please don’t be upset. No refunds.