
I’m sorry, Oliver. I got your nose and head shapes wrong. Which is like Caricature 101. So this is a big fail. Please don’t be upset. I tried my best. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Martina. I drew your neck all weird and your ears too big. So this doesn’t really look like you. I hope you’re not mad. No refunds.

Stefan and Julia

I’m sorry, Stefan and Julia. Once again, mouths are my weak point. Especially Julia’s. Dunno what’s going on there. So sorry. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Karla. Your mouth and eyes turned out awful. And your hair. In fact, this whole drawing is a giant fail. I’m sorry. No refunds.

Inga’s Mom

I’m sorry, Inga’s Mom. Inga paid me to draw a caricature of you, but it turned out really weird because I don’t know what I’m doing. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.

Sebastian and Lena

I’m sorry, Sebastian and Lena. I don’t know how to draw mouths too well. And sorry your eyes are all weird. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.

Erik and Henning

I’m sorry, Erik and Henning. I know this looks like I didn’t even try. But trust me – this is the best I can do. I’m just awful at drawing. No refunds.

Ryan and Serah


I’m sorry, Ryan and Serah. I should’ve payed less attention to your cool uniforms and more attention to your likenesses. Now both are awful. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Luke. Now I realize that you’re actually wearing a hat and not, in fact, being eaten by Stitch. That’s my bad. Won’t happen again. No refunds.

William and Shawnee

I’m sorry, William and Shawnee. This doesn’t really look like either of you. Please don’t be upset with me. Likenesses are not my forte. No refunds.