Adam & Erink

I’m sorry, Adam & Erink. This looks nothing like either of you. I’m not really sure what happened. Besides me being really crappy at drawing caricatures, of course. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Molly. I made your nose way too big and your hair way too short. I’m way to crappy at drawing caricatures. I’m sorry. No refunds.


I’m sorry, McColl. I forgot to draw your hair. And I made your smile too big. This whole thing is a disaster. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Bennett. I don’t know why I gave you facial hair. You clearly don’t have it. I really suck at this. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Zodi. I screwed up your hair. And gave you a goatee. You clearly don’t have one. I clearly have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.

Jordan & Lindsay

I’m sorry, Jordan & Lindsay. I really screwed this one up. Especially Lindsay’s hair. I don’t know what I was thinking. I hope you’re not mad. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Andrew. I made your face too wide. And your nose too big. And your lips all weird. Not gonna lie, there’s not I got right here. No refunds.

Neesh & Amanda

I’m sorry, Neesh & Amanda. I got confused by Neesh’s elephant costume and accidentally drew him as a elephant. That’s my bad. No refunds.

Robyn & Joshua

I’m sorry, Robyn & Joshua. This looks nothing like either of you. Robyn, you don’t wear glasses and Joshua, you’re not a dandy fop with a mustache and monocle. I have no idea what I’m doing.


I’m sorry, Elin. I don’t know why I drew you so mad. You’re clearly smiling in your photo. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.