

I’m sorry, Syd. Not only does this not look like you, but it’s also a really crappy drawing. I hope you don’t feel like you wasted your money. Because I would. No refunds.

Elise & Abraham

I’m sorry, Elise & Abraham. It was only after I finished did I realize Abraham was wearing makeup and not, in fact, a starfish. That’s my bad. That’s on me. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Michelle. I made your eyes WAAAY to big. Now this looks all weird and dumb and I don’t know how to fix it. Please don’t be mad at me. I tried my best.


I’m sorry, Noah. I don’t know why I gave you a mustache. You clearly don’t have one. I need to pay attention more. No refunds.


I’m so sorry, Emily. I don’t know what happened here. Once again, I’ve drawn someone like an old woman. Which you’re clearly not. I’m just awful at this. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Shelby. Your nose is not that big. I’m just awful at caricatures. But hey – at least I got your nose ring, right? No refunds.


I’m sorry, Kimberly. This looks nothing like you. It looks more like a middle-aged blonde woman. Which I’m pretty sure you’re not. I’m the worst.

Arden, Eric, and Phoebe


I’m sorry, Arden, Eric, and Phoebe. I wasn’t sure who was who. So I think I swapped one of your faces with the dog’s face. Common mistake. At least for me. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Tori. I made your nose too big and your eyebrows too bushy. This is not what you look like at all. Please don’t be offended. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Rachel. Everything about this is wrong. Your eyes, your smile, your nose. It’s a real disaster. I apologize. No refunds.