Robert & Caitie

I’m sorry, Robert & Catie. Your teeth aren’t that big. I’m just not very good at drawing caricatures. I hope you’re not offended. No refunds.


I’m so sorry, Sabrina. This is not what you look like at all. I think I got Sabrina The Teenage Witch in my head. But that’s no excuse because Sabrina the Teenage Witch doesn’t look like what I drew. I’m the worst.


I’m sorry, Will. This looks nothing like you. Like AT ALL. The only thing similar to your picture is the brick wall. I really messed this one up.


I’m sorry, Cadyn. I don’t know why I drew you with a mustache. You’re a baby. Babies don’t have mustaches. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Elliott. I drew your mouth sideways. And gave you blonde hair. What the hell is wrong with me? No refunds.



I’m sorry, Yoann. This looks absolutely nothing like you. Well, maybe when you get older? I dunno. Please check back in 30 years.

Emma Jean & Ross


I’m sorry, Emma Jean & Ross. Looks like I forgot both of your glasses. And Ross’s beard. Dunno how I missed that. Sorry. No refunds.


Sorry, Dakota. I just straight-up forgot your beard. Dunno what happened there. It’s not easy to miss. No refunds.

Ryan &  Sarah Jane

I’m sorry, Ryan & Sarah Jane. This doesn’t really look like either of you. Especially Ryan. What’s up with his nose? I’m the worst.

Richard & Friends

I’m sorry, Richard. you and your friends looks really nice. So I’m sorry I butchered everyone with my drawing. I’m not very good at this. No refunds.