
I’m sorry, Kelli. I just straight-up forgot to draw your glasses. I don’t know why. I’m not having a great day. No refunds.

Shari and Leitesha

I’m sorry, Shari and Leitesha. It was only after I finished that I realized that’s the Leaning Tower of Pisa and not, in fact, a hat. My bad. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Ayoub. This looks nothing like you. It looks like someone. Just not you. Which is not what you paid for. I’m sorry.


I’m sorry, Enya. I drew your head waaay to small here. I’m just not good at proportions. Love your music, though. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Kailey. I got confused by your cat ears and choker and drew you as an actual cat. In my defense, you do look rather cat-like. No refunds.

Virginia’s Husband


I’m sorry, Virginia’s Husband. I forgot your glasses and gave you facial hair for some reason. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. No refunds.



I’m sorry, Virginia. I made your chin too narrow and your hair too long. Please forgive me. I have no idea what I’m doing.



I’m sorry, Jonty. I forgot your facial hair and your glasses. I’m not very good a noticing details. Until it’s too late, of course. No refunds.

Mai & James

I’m sorry, Mai & James. I forgot James’ hat and made his teeth sharp for some reason. I’m not very good at this. No refunds.

Zamz & James Brown


I’m sorry, Zamz. I just realized that your cat’s NAME is James Brown and is NOT actually James Brown – the singer. That’s my bad. No refunds.