I’m sorry, Reed. I drew your eyes way too big and your beard way too short. Proportions aren’t really my thing. I hope you’re not mad. No refunds.
Nina & Marcel
I’m sorry, Nina & Marcel. I tried drawing Nina’s fake mustache, but it ended up looking kinda real. Which I know it isn’t. I’m the worst. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Catarina. I drew your hand too big and your nose all weird. So this doesn’t really look like you. Sorry. No refunds.
Tanja & Yana
I’m sorry, Tanja and Yana. I don’t remember why I drew one of you holding… pebbles? Peas? Beans? I have no idea. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.
Robert & Kayla
I’m sorry, Robert and Kayla. This doesn’t really look like either of you. I don’t know what happened. Besides me being crappy at caricatures, of course. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Ryan. I messed up your nose and made your head too flat. So this doesn’t really look like you. Please forgive me. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Stephy. I made your eyes too big. Now this looks all weird and I don’t know how to fix it. I dunno what I’m doing. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Chey. I tried capturing your smile, but I drawing all the teeth makes it look weird. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.
Avi (2nd Chance)
I’m sorry, Avi. Thanks for giving me a second chance. But I failed again. And worse this time around. Please stop wasting your money. No refunds.