
I’m sorry, Simon. I tried to capture your wry smile, but it ended up making your face look like Play-doh. Please don’t be upset. I’m just not very good at this. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Carlos. I drew your forehead waaaay to big and lopsided for some reason. No idea why. Please don’t be mad at me. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Gareth. This doesn’t look like you. Or your puppy. I’m not good at caricatures of people OR pets. I should’ve told you. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Jacob. I drew your eyes all buggy and crazy. So you look like a Muppet. Not my intention. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Michelle. I drew your face too wide and your hair all weird. So this doesn’t really look like you. My apologies. I tried my best. No refunds.

Gabriele & Barbara

I’m sorry, Gabrielle and Barbara. You both look really weird in my drawing. But in my defense, the angle of your photo is really weird too. Either way: no refunds.


I’m sorry, Jonathan. I have no idea where your forehead went in my drawing. I must not have been paying attention. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Nikki. This is really awful. I have no idea what I’m doing. Please don’t be mad at me. I tried my best. No refunds.

Hannah & Adam

I’m sorry, Adam & Hannah. You both look awful. In my drawing, I mean. Not in real life. In real life you look great. I just suck at caricatures. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Kyle. This doesn’t really look like you. Or maybe it does? I can’t tell because your photo is blurry. Either way, I’m sorry. No refunds.