
“I’m so sorry, Alexander. Somehow you and Danny ended up looking like two girls doing duckface. I hope you’re not offended. No refunds.”


“I’m sorry, Jessie. I drew your hands way too big. And way too hairy. I’m just not good at drawing hands. Sorry.”


“Sorry, Kabakoff/Blackwood family. I tried my best, but this doesn’t look like you guys. And I drew your daughter like Slick Rick. Dunno what happened there. I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry, Tim. I really screwed up the size of you and your son’s heads. And your likenesses. In fact, this whole drawing is a disaster. No refunds.”



“I’m sorry, Sahar. I guess I went a little overboard on your expression. And gave you curly hair for some reason. What was I thinking?”


“Hi Dan. You said to make you look pretty. So I drew you as Kathy Ireland. I hope that’s what you meant. No refunds.”

Nicholle & Eric (Second Chance)


“I’m so sorry, Nicholle & Eric. Thank you for giving me a second chance, but I panicked and drew you as a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. I hope you’re not mad.”

Stacy and Veronica

“I’m sorry, Stacy and Veronica. I tried my best, but you both turned out looking like elderly white women. I’m not very good at this. Sorry.”

The Koller Family


“I’m sorry, Koller family. I was SO CLOSE on this one. I don’t know WHAT happened at the end there. No refunds.”


“I’m so sorry, Paul. This caricature looks nothing like you. The monocle, the buck teeth. It’s all wrong. I am just NOT good at caricatures. Like AT ALL. Sorry.”