
“I’m sorry, Misty. You’re way prettier than this in your picture. I don’t know what happened. Ah jeez…”


“I’m so sorry, Ruth. Misty paid me to draw a caricature of you, but it looks nothing like you because I am NOT good at this. Like AT ALL. Sorry.”


“I’m so sorry, Terence. This does NOT look like you. Like AT ALL. I should probably get better at this before I start charging people.”


“Sorry, Thom. You’re not wearing clown makeup. You never mentioned clowns. I don’t know where the whole clown thing came from. MAN I’m bad a this.”


“I’m sorry, Jacki. This looks nothing like you. I’m really just bad at this. No refunds.”


“Sorry, Casey. I tried to do one of those "cool dude” caricatures like you get on the Boardwalk, but somehow a moustache crept in there. My apologies.“