Georgia and Dom

I’m sorry, Georgia and Dom. I think I put the beard on the wrong person. My bad. No refunds.



I’m sorry, Ronald. I-I honestly don’t know what happened here. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Cadyn. I don’t know why I drew you with a mustache. You’re a baby. Babies don’t have mustaches. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Elliott. I drew your mouth sideways. And gave you blonde hair. What the hell is wrong with me? No refunds.

Emma Jean & Ross


I’m sorry, Emma Jean & Ross. Looks like I forgot both of your glasses. And Ross’s beard. Dunno how I missed that. Sorry. No refunds.


Sorry, Dakota. I just straight-up forgot your beard. Dunno what happened there. It’s not easy to miss. No refunds.

Richard & Friends

I’m sorry, Richard. you and your friends looks really nice. So I’m sorry I butchered everyone with my drawing. I’m not very good at this. No refunds.


I’m sorry, Matty. I tried really hard to draw your cool motorcycle. But I’m really bad at drawing motorcycles. So it turned out kinda crappy. Please don’t be mad at me. I tried my best.


I’m sorry, Adam. This looks absolutely nothing like you. I don’t know who I was trying to draw, but it sure wasn’t you. No refunds.


Whelp. I broke your neck. Sorry, Mariah. No refunds.