I’m sorry, Lenee. I have no idea what happened here. Besides a really crappy drawing. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Lenee. I have no idea what happened here. Besides a really crappy drawing. No refunds.
I’m so sorry, Cerys. This is awful. Your lips are too big and your eyes are nightmarish. I tried my best. But I guess my best is still pretty crappy.
I’m sorry, Emily. This is awful. I forgot to draw your glasses and made you look real sassy for some reason. I’m the worst at this. I hope you’re not upset. No refunds.
I’m so sorry, Selena. This is not what you look like. Like at all. I’m just really awful at drawing caricatures. I hope you’re not offended. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Sam. I- I literally don’t know who this is a drawing of. Because it sure ain’t you. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Daniel & Christina. I drew Christina too big and kinda ran out of room to draw Daniel. That’s on me. Sorry. I’m not very good at this.
I’m sorry, Samantha. Not only did I forget to draw your glasses, but I think I got confused by your friend’s shirt. Please forgive me. It was an honest mistake. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Taryn. I don’t know why I drew your ferret so terrifying. It’s clearly not. I’m just really awful at this. No refunds
I’m sorry, Bernadette. This looks absolutely nothing like you. I don’t know what happened. Please forgive me. I have no idea what I’m doing. No refunds.
I’m so sorry, Lexi. This is just awful. I have no excuses. Please don’t be mad at me. I tried my best. But I guess my best is still pretty crappy. No refunds.